Jason Taylor (Founder of Ink Nurse) Interviews Celia Dunne from MBMB
JT) Hey Celia! Thanks for agreeing to be the first subject in this series I've dubbed as the "Spotlight Series". The aim is to shine a light on people, brands, causes, movements and anything that Ink Nurse feels the people should know about. So tell me, How did the idea behind My Body My Business come to fruition?
CD) A couple years ago the debate over laws regarding abortion rights was going on in America, which is shocking to say the least that debate over human rights is still happening in this day and age. I wanted to create a tattoo to raise awareness that no one has rights over your body, other than yourself. Eventually more and more people started getting it done for other reasons, and it’s meaning became ambiguous - which I love so much!
JT) What does My Body My Business mean to you personally?
CD) I didn’t think this tattoo was going to become as popular as it has, but I’m so thankful and humbled that people come to me to get it done more than anything. I’m happy if it can bring some solidarity to people and make them more confident about their body and their rights.
JT) What do you think MBMB means to those who choose to align themselves with the brand, message and ethos? Whether by tattooing it on themselves, wearing merchandise or just showing online support? That must be very gratifying to see such support!
CD) I started making Merch - 1) Because so many people were asking for the tattoo both interstate and internationally, it was becoming hard to keep up, 2) for those who didn’t want to commit to a tattoo and 3) so I could have a sustainable way of donating portions of money to different charities and give the words a bit more purpose.
JT) How does it feel to see people have this tattooed and marked on their bodies for life?
CD) Honestly so happy! I know i'm not the first to say these words and definitely not the last, But to be able to help spread a positive message is such a good feeling!
JT) How about when you see someone else tattoo MBMB on a client?
CD) With all tattoos I’d prefer people ask! But I can’t stop anyone from doing anything hahaha. So if people don't have a way of travelling to Australia, they can just message me and I can arrange sending the design, with my blessing.
JT) Where do you see MBMB in your future? Do you have any special plans? Anything you may want to tease your audience with?
CD) I don’t know! I don’t ever want to have a large corporation or factory of workers or anything like that hahaha! I’d like to keep it an ethical small business. But hopefully more cool Merch ideas and items, possibly some collaborations. The options are endless and I’m just enjoying having this as a little side project for the meantime.
JT) I want to ask something a little lateral here, however still relevant. I won't even begin to ask if the current pandemic has affected you, as we all know how hard the tattoo industry has been hit. But is there any advice you could give for people who may be struggling with mental health, staying positive, trying to keep creative and busy while going through this difficult time?
CD) I definitely can’t speak from a medical standpoint or tell people ‘everything’s going to be fine’ or any of that bullshit as it doesn’t apply to everyone’s situation. But for myself as someone who struggles with mental illness and maintaining structure, It can be so crippling to get out of bed some days when the world around you is crumbling. Try to set yourself goals and a schedule each day, whether it be as simple as cleaning the house or going for a walk or something. That’s an achievement and something to be proud of. Also make lists of things you’re grateful for. No matter how down you are, there will always be something you can be thankful for in life.
JT) Okay, Something for you personally... Name your Top 5 favourite artists in Australia right now and why? (you don't have to answer 😆 - probably too many to name!)
CD) Hahahah I’ve sat on this question and tried to narrow it down and honestly, I can’t. It would feel criminal to narrow it down to just 5 people. I work with a store of the most amazing artists (GRIM RAPTOR) and in my line of work, I meet so many incredible creatives I admire and look up to. There is so much talent in everyone.
JT) What was your first tattoo? Any funny stories behind it? (Family reactions, the place and artist or the quality?) - I feel like we all have a unique first tattoo story. *for you getting your first tattoo click here*
CD) My first tattoo was a Roman numeral date on my arm. I thought I’d only get a few small tattoos and it was from some small walk in joint in Adelaide. I always wanted to tattoo deep down but didn’t think I’d actually end up here haha.
JT) What's next for MBMB and where can people stay up-to-date with what's going on in your world?
CD) I want to start working on a summer line, maybe some lingerie. Still playing with ideas. I post everything on IG @mybody__mybusiness So that's the best way to see what’s happening next! I’m always juggling so many other side projects as well as this, all while tattooing full time. So it’s always just about finding time. I’ll have something new soon though! 🖤
JT) Amazing, Thank You for your time Celia, wishing you all the best!